My name is Christel, and Here's my story
Oct 23, 2023
I’ve always believed that change doesn't choose people. People choose to change.
When I look back at my childhood, I wasn't raised to be a somebody, I wasn't raised to create change or to stand up and have a voice.
Yet, here I am because I decided to rewrite my story and to help others do the same.
I could honestly write a novel on my upbringing and it's effects, but I don't want to do that hear. If you'd like to hear more of the details, check out THIS PODCAST EPISODE. but here's a timeline of my life
- When I was 3 months old my Mom was killed in a car accident. My brother (3 yrs) was life flighted to the hospital where my Dad was told to say his goodbyes. My brother wasn't going to make it through the night
- But soon my brother became known as the miracle boy because time and time again he proved Drs wrong. While he is disabled, he's alive and doing well to this day
- My dad shortly remarried after the death of my Mom. I gained 2 step brother, had my biological brother and sister and later we would gain a half brother
- For the first 19 years of my life, I was subject to all kinds of abuse and englect.
- There were parts in my childhood home that I and my biological siblings were not allowed in including the kitchen
- We were not allowed to grab food when we were hungry, we didn't have the option to choose what we wore that day, and we lived in a hierarchy system. (where me and my biological siblings were at the very bottom)
- Extreme anger was present on a daily basis and I continuously lived in survival mode and made decisions based off of what would keep me safe.
- I struggled to make friends because I didn't know what a healthy relationship was, I had extreme anxiety and depression and I didn't expect to outlive my childhood
- I eventually left my home to live with my then boyfriend (now husband) and his family. They didn't speak any English, barely knew me, yet his entire family welcomed me into their home with open arms and no hesitation.
- I eventually got married and became pregnant with my oldest son.
- I realized that I had to make a choice as to whether or not I should allow my childhood family into the lives of the family I was creating.
- During the Me too movement, I decided to step out of the secrecy that my childhood was and I shared what happened. Even though I blocked my family from the post they found out about it very quickly.
- I got mixed reactions. My Dad asked me to take it down, My step-mom stopped talking to my Dad, People called me to support me, to apologize for parts they played, and to share their own stories with me
- After a roller coaster of chaotic events and emotions, my step-Mom stepped up to the plate, set up a family counseling appointment, and that's the moment we could actually move forward as a family
- After those events, I had to work on my own healing and growth. I was repeating cycles that I was raised with (specifically the anger) and I didn't want it to continue. So I dived into learning, implementing, failing and trying again and again until I became successful
- It took me 6 years to get where I am today and I'm honored to share everything I know with you.
My life hasn't been perfect and it definitely hasn't been easy. I always think about how much easier my life would've been if I had someone to lean on, someone to learn from and someone who could help me with what I was going through and who knew what I was going through. I didn't have that... but that doesn't mean that I can't be here for you.
I've been lucky enough to help families from all around the world. To teach parents to Thrive with their emotions, to build connection and to have happier healthier relationships within their family unit. I hope that you can join me as we learn more and grow together.